Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mailtausch: MyAdvertisingPays

andyfit (5) schickt Ihnen folgende Tauschmail:

Hey Adrian, Zhen,

My Advertising Pays really is as easy as 1, 2, 3… you simply…

#1 sign-up…

#2 view ads…

And #3 get paid.

You only need to view 10 ads each day and you are automatically eligible for 72 daily payouts.

But that's not all.

We give you high-converting marketing materials to make it as easy as 1, 2, 3 to promote My Advertising Pays to your network, associates, friends, family or anyone who wants to make money online, with push-button ease. The more people you bring aboard the more you can get paid, over and over again.

Get Started Here:


It's free to get started and easy to start earning. Our advertising is priced right to make it easy for you to start promoting your business on any budget.

Get the word out about your business to pre-qualified people who are confirmed buyers and not just tire-kickers looking for easy money. My Advertising Pays makes it easy for you to promote your business and get paid.

Get Started Here:


If you need help getting started or have any questions about our system, you can reach out to your Sponsor at:

Andreas Zenker - info@andreas-zenker.com

If you need additional assistance, or would just like to tell us what you think or ways we can improve the My Advertising Pays experience, feel free to contact us via our 24/7 support desk http://support.myadvertisingpays.com

See You at the Top,

Status der Mail:
Vergütung: Lesen und mind. 15 Sekunden Seitenaufenthalt ( 1,60 Mailpunkte )

Manuelle Bestätigung (wenn keine Bilder sichtbar) :: ( -> Infos )

PS: trotz sorgfältiger Prüfung distanzieren wir uns von den Inhalten der versandten Tauschmails. Für den Inhalt der Tauschmail ist alleine das Mitglied andyfit (5) verantwortlich.

Sie erhalten diese E-Mail, weil Sie bei http://www.ebesucher.de angemeldet sind.
Ihr Username: yuntage

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